I’m trying to balance my enthusiasm for these exercises with a need for crayon-free upholstery and a few scraps of paper for luxuries like filing sales tax reports.
Sometimes the tax reports win.
But I really try to rein in the inner control freak and let them create freely. It helps when I can steer my 6-year-old away from printed coloring sheets to original drawings of his own.

Shiny happy policemen everywhere…
Apparently, the chief perk of law enforcement is having an abundance of lights on your vehicle.
I’m amazed at the level of detail: extra wheels on vehicles, barricades, traffic cones, bags of loot, evil eyebrows. To me, they look like drawings an adult would make if they were trying to draw like a child.

Good vs. Evil
Good guys wear smiles. Bad guys wear frowns.

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do…
This cop has “evil eyebrows,” even as he smiles.
On my honor, I would gladly surrender a ream of paper a day for these. Can you blame me?
Renee says
Love it!