Who said the elderly are the most vulnerable members of our society?
Police: Retired U.S. Tourist in Costa Rica Kills Mugger with Bare Hands
A tour bus loaded with geriatric passengers on excursion from a Carnival cruise ship were attacked by three armed muggers. Rather than passively surrender their valuables, these seasoned citizens fought back.
The ultimate hero of the day, a 70-year-old retiree of the U.S. military whose identity was not disclosed, managed to get one of the attackers, 20-year-old Warren Segura, into a headlock, breaking his clavicle and asphyxiating him in the process.
Yeah, that’s right. Grandpa killed this pipsqueak with his bare hands!
Costa Rican authorities acknowledge Super Gramps was within his rights and don’t intend to file any charges against him for his actions.
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